Ion Ampliseq Targeted Enrichment

Ion AmpliSeq Fixed Panels

Ion AmpliSeq’s Fixed Panels provide excellent interrogation of known genetic variants for a broad range of applications. Life Technologies has collaborated with leading professionals and organizations in each respective field to select targets that will provide valuable information for your projects, enabling you to move forward with your research quickly and with confidence in the data you obtain. From the 300+ targets of the inherited disease panel to the cancer-causing variants in 50 oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in the Cancer Hotspot v2 panel, your research can progress rapidly without the need to design your own primers and validate your own protocols.

Inherited Disease Panel

Targeted exons of 300 genes known to be associated with over 700 unique inherited diseases 275x average depth of coverage on an Ion 316 Chip

Comprehensive Cancer Panel

Targeted exons of 409 oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes (including all 50 of the hot spot genes targeted in the “Cancer Hotspot Panel v2”)
350x average depth of coverage on an Ion 318 Chip

Cancer Hotspot Panel v2

Targeted “Hot spot” regions of 50 oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, with whole exon coverage of KRAS, BRAF and EGFR 98% detection rate for 5% variant frequency
1400x average depth of coverage with up to 16 samples on a single Ion 318 Chip

Ion AmpliSeq Custom Panels

If you have already focused your interests on a specific set of targets, we can also help design your custom panel, or you can design one yourself via Ion’s web-hosted AmpliSeq Designer. Enter Gene names, chromosome coordinates, or upload a BED file with your targets.Using the online AmpliSeq Designer you can easily target the SNPS, exons, or whole genes to meet your project’s needs.